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invitation creation 

& interview brainstorming

we are going to create an artwork that is similar to the interview/animation videos by story corps. 

           (first few videos under the "day 1" tab)


Think of someone you would like to share a special conversation with. It could be a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, neighbor, librarian, tutor, a family friend, etc.


You want it to be someone you can sit with or call and have a 10-15 minute conversation with. Who you interview should be someone who may give you some wisdom, insight, a funny story, a learning moment in their life, or perhaps a moment that shared with you in the past.


Go to the story corps website for more inspiration and help with brainstorming good questions for your conversation. Since our videos will be somewhat shorter, try to focus on 1-3 good, open-ended questions that will lead to a good story, secret, personal experience or emotional response from your interviewee. 


here are the links:      




Since this interview will be a very important conversation for academic, artistic and emotional means, we will be creating a formal invitation to send out before your official interview.


If you will be seeing your interviewee in person, you may create an invitation on paper with any sort of materials. If you will not be coming into physical contact with your interviewee, we will create the invitation on the ipads, save the image, and email it! 


Upload a picture of the invitation regardless onto the computer, and message/email it to me so I can see your completed work and progress you are beginning to make throughout the week!


You can do this by going to the "Contact Me" page after the "Intro" page, or you may email me the picture directly through email at :




To record these conversations, you have a few options.


If at home you access to a computer, you can easily use PowerPoint that includes a recording option on the top right, featuring clipart of a speaker and a film strip. You will see this tool at the top tool bar on PowerPoint under the tab titled "Insert." Choose this option and choose "Record Audio" on the new drop down tab. You may also use VoiceThread, which you can easily register for if you are not already. A third option is to use SoundCloud which can be easily registered as well. 


If you are choosing to interview someone that you can not sit down with and have a conversation together in person, you can use skype! Simply open up a new PowerPoint, SoundCloud or VoiceThread and record your phone or video call via Skype!


When using these softwares, you may have yourself and interviewee speak into the computer, phone, or laptop directly in person, or you may make a call via Skype! Skype is a great way to communicate with family and friends all over the planet! It is free and easy to sign up for, all you need is a smart phone or computer, and the same goes for who you are trying to communicate with!


Another category of options if you do not have access to a computer at home, these softwares or want to interview someone in the school, you may use an ipad to take with you and record the conversation on there. 




for tomorrow, you should :


      --  have already given or sent your invitation

      -- have a couple of thoughtful, open-ended questions written or typed out for you to use as notes 

      -- begin to think of possible imagery that symbolizes your relationship with whom you interview, a                  memory you share with them, or you may choose to use an image you imagine in your mind as                 you hear the memory during the interview.





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