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memory. what is it, why is it important, how does it relate to art ? ? ? ??











                                     Memory can be defined in a variety of ways depending on the context, opinions, and people's past experiences. Memory can be tied to any of your five senses as well. Perhaps you remember a scary nightmare you imagined or how the colors of a certain sunset looked like, what a music box or certain toy sounded like from your childhood, what a favorite food your relative made tasted like, or even how your school cafeteria smelled. Memories come from the past, but continue on into the present and future thanks to your brain and body! Of course, sometimes memories are fuzzy with time or perhaps are slightly altered, but that may not necessarily always be a bad thing. Memory can also be seen as information storage when it comes to technology. The word memory may also be tied to the concept of what is left behind after a human passes away or in tribute of. Like a bench that says "In Memory of the Wright Brothers."


               Some people may have short term or long term memory loss which can make life quite difficult. Imagine if your brain could not remember what you did ten minutes ago? Or perhaps if your brain couldn't help you remember who your grandchild is even though you hepled raise him/her since birth. Memory disorders may exist from birth, caused from brain injury, or may slowly appear with old age. It is especially difficult on those experiencing first hand, but also significantly difficult on the family and friends. We value many of our memories and appreciate when we are remembered, especially by name. We probably feel this way because often times, we look at information we have stored for some time as being quite important! 


              There is quite a bit of beauty in memories regardless of their content. Some people may remember objects, such as a small, braided, friendship bracelet you used to wear when you were six years old. Some people may remember more clearly the face of the person that made the friendship bracelet. And perhaps maybe some people may remember the moment they looked down on their wrist and realized the friendship bracelet had fallen off. Quirky, small details like floral wallpaper designs, or larger ideas like what the neighbor with the floral wallpaper was like; they all have significance.


             Many artists create artworks of all sorts, based on memories they have. Perhaps memories of childhood, teenage years, years spent on college campuses or off in the career world, they help bring inspiration and content to certain pieces. The concept of memory or memories, are often times connected with ideas of: collections, time, aging, meaningful objects, belongings, holidays, family and friends, pets, life lessons, traumatic events, celebrations, personalities, goals, desires, hardships, embarrassment, excitement, a whole variety of emotions, etc. The list could go on and on! Artists could choose to have the subject matter of their artwork tied to a memory, perhaps the medium or material they use is from memories in the past, they may even make an artwork in hopes to help remember a memory in the future. 







enough blah blah blah! 

let's get to explorin'!

  okay! let's start  exploring,  finding  inspiration,then we will begin our creation  process tomorrow! (day 2)

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